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ECEC Provider in Focus: Catholic Care Tasmania - The Sector
ECEC Provider in Focus: Catholic Care Tasmania  The Sector

Tasmanian Unemployment Plummets, Incomes Rise - Mirage News
Tasmanian Unemployment Plummets, Incomes Rise  Mirage News

Jobs gone as Betta Milk announces closure of Burnie facility to shift production to Hobart - Pulse Tasmania
Jobs gone as Betta Milk announces closure of Burnie facility to shift production to Hobart  Pulse Tasmania

Winter Flips – Labor Will Back Stadium - Tasmanian Times
Winter Flips – Labor Will Back Stadium  Tasmanian Times

Jobs to go as dairy giant Bega to shut down Betta Milk operations in Burnie, Tasmania - ABC News
Jobs to go as dairy giant Bega to shut down Betta Milk operations in Burnie, Tasmania  ABC News

Plibersek must now choose: back Tasmanian blue-collar jobs or bow to activist hysteria - The Australian Workers' Union - Australian Workers' Union
Plibersek must now choose: back Tasmanian blue-collar jobs or bow to activist hysteria - The Australian Workers' Union  Australian Workers' Union

Amazon Snubs Tasmania for Jobs: Senator Duniam Disappointed - The Examiner
Amazon Snubs Tasmania for Jobs: Senator Duniam Disappointed  The Examiner

Hundreds of jobs to go as nickel price slump claims Tasmanian mine - The Australian Financial Review
Hundreds of jobs to go as nickel price slump claims Tasmanian mine  The Australian Financial Review

‘Jobs on the line’: Labor slams stalled Tasmania’s energy projects - The Mercury
‘Jobs on the line’: Labor slams stalled Tasmania’s energy projects  The Mercury

Does Tasmanian Labor Support Anti-farmer Tax? - Mirage News
Does Tasmanian Labor Support Anti-farmer Tax?  Mirage News

Many young Tasmanians are moving to the mainland for work or study and research shows they're better off - ABC News
Many young Tasmanians are moving to the mainland for work or study and research shows they're better off  ABC News

Tasmanian Labor confirm they will back new Hobart stadium at Macquarie Point - Pulse Tasmania
Tasmanian Labor confirm they will back new Hobart stadium at Macquarie Point  Pulse Tasmania

On ‘Regional Jobs’, Forestry Wars … - Tasmanian Times
On ‘Regional Jobs’, Forestry Wars …  Tasmanian Times

Wages, jobs updates to come with budget week - The Examiner
Wages, jobs updates to come with budget week  The Examiner

Jobs still looking for people in Tasmania - Mirage News
Jobs still looking for people in Tasmania  Mirage News

On Big Salmon’s Big Lie … - Tasmanian Times
On Big Salmon’s Big Lie …  Tasmanian Times

State government starts search for $240000 Hobart stadium project director job - Pulse Tasmania
State government starts search for $240000 Hobart stadium project director job  Pulse Tasmania

Tasmania Requires Industrial Manslaughter Laws: Labor - Mirage News
Tasmania Requires Industrial Manslaughter Laws: Labor  Mirage News

Huon Valley Seafoods Rebrands, Jobs Secure at Tasmania Blue - Mirage News
Huon Valley Seafoods Rebrands, Jobs Secure at Tasmania Blue  Mirage News

Gale steps down from Tigers' top job - linked to Tasmania Devils - Sea FM Devonport
Gale steps down from Tigers' top job - linked to Tasmania Devils  Sea FM Devonport

Making Hydro A True Economic Enabler For Tasmania - Mirage News
Making Hydro A True Economic Enabler For Tasmania  Mirage News

Greens Release Plan to Save the Skate and Support Workers - Tasmanian Greens MPs
Greens Release Plan to Save the Skate and Support Workers  Tasmanian Greens MPs

ViewJobs: Transforming regional recruitment and job hunting - The Examiner
ViewJobs: Transforming regional recruitment and job hunting  The Examiner

On Changing the Charter of Hydro Tasmania, Energy Price Relief … - Tasmanian Times
On Changing the Charter of Hydro Tasmania, Energy Price Relief …  Tasmanian Times

Avebury Nickel Mine closure to leave 200+ West Coast workers jobless - Pulse Tasmania
Avebury Nickel Mine closure to leave 200+ West Coast workers jobless  Pulse Tasmania

Tasmania's AFL team, stadium dream jumps big hurdle - Yahoo News Australia
Tasmania's AFL team, stadium dream jumps big hurdle  Yahoo News Australia

2030 Strong Plan For Tasmania's Future - Backing In Incat To Create More Tasmanian Jobs - Mirage News
2030 Strong Plan For Tasmania's Future - Backing In Incat To Create More Tasmanian Jobs  Mirage News

Job figures reveal unemployment at record lows in Tasmania - The Mercury
Job figures reveal unemployment at record lows in Tasmania  The Mercury

Saputo Dairy Australia workers strike at Burnie plant over pay gap with mainland employees - ABC News
Saputo Dairy Australia workers strike at Burnie plant over pay gap with mainland employees  ABC News

Labor’s Dean Winter points to priority as new Labor leader - The Mercury
Labor’s Dean Winter points to priority as new Labor leader  The Mercury

Hydro Tasmania to have charter torn-up and rewritten under Liberal government - Pulse Tasmania
Hydro Tasmania to have charter torn-up and rewritten under Liberal government  Pulse Tasmania

Pub’s ‘desperate’ ad reveals national crisis -
Pub’s ‘desperate’ ad reveals national crisis

Bega Group Announces Closure of Betta Milk Factory in Burnie, Tasmania, Resulting in 47 Job Losses - Dairy News
Bega Group Announces Closure of Betta Milk Factory in Burnie, Tasmania, Resulting in 47 Job Losses  Dairy News

Labor flags bipartisan approach to forestry to boost jobs and local processing - The Mercury
Labor flags bipartisan approach to forestry to boost jobs and local processing  The Mercury

Tasmania's Avebury Nickel Mine closes as price crashes, 200 workers left uncertain - ABC News
Tasmania's Avebury Nickel Mine closes as price crashes, 200 workers left uncertain  ABC News

Hobart protest rally calls for end to native forest logging in Tasmania, as Liberals vow to increase timber harvest - ABC News
Hobart protest rally calls for end to native forest logging in Tasmania, as Liberals vow to increase timber harvest  ABC News

Dean Winter to run for leader of Tasmanian Labor party - Pulse Tasmania
Dean Winter to run for leader of Tasmanian Labor party  Pulse Tasmania

Personnel changes announced at Hydro Tasmania, Entura - Hydro Review®️
Personnel changes announced at Hydro Tasmania, Entura  Hydro Review®️

Resources Minister assures support for over 200 workers after Avebury Nickel Mine closure - Pulse Tasmania
Resources Minister assures support for over 200 workers after Avebury Nickel Mine closure  Pulse Tasmania

SA jobless rate lowest in the nation - InDaily
SA jobless rate lowest in the nation  InDaily

Public school teacher freeze in Tasmania until vacant jobs filled - The Examiner
Public school teacher freeze in Tasmania until vacant jobs filled  The Examiner

West Coast Whaleback Ridge wind farm proposal granted major project status - Pulse Tasmania
West Coast Whaleback Ridge wind farm proposal granted major project status  Pulse Tasmania

Government pairs up with ECA Tas to strengthen workforce - The Sector
Government pairs up with ECA Tas to strengthen workforce  The Sector

Chris Bowen announces Tasmanian sites receiving funding boost - The Mercury
Chris Bowen announces Tasmanian sites receiving funding boost  The Mercury

Keeping Tasmania's Forestry Industry Strong - Mirage News
Keeping Tasmania's Forestry Industry Strong  Mirage News

Strong Growth In Engineering Construction Showing Our Plan For Tasmania Is Working - Mirage News
Strong Growth In Engineering Construction Showing Our Plan For Tasmania Is Working  Mirage News

Northern Tasmania Set To Become Renewable Energy Powerhouse - Mirage News
Northern Tasmania Set To Become Renewable Energy Powerhouse  Mirage News

$100 million 'Chocolate Experience' with world's largest chocolate fountain planned for Hobart - Pulse Tasmania
$100 million 'Chocolate Experience' with world's largest chocolate fountain planned for Hobart  Pulse Tasmania

Betta Milk's Burnie brand legacy ends as plans to shut plant for good confirmed - Pulse Tasmania
Betta Milk's Burnie brand legacy ends as plans to shut plant for good confirmed  Pulse Tasmania

Polyfoam's expansion to Westbury: Creating jobs and reducing waste - The Examiner
Polyfoam's expansion to Westbury: Creating jobs and reducing waste  The Examiner

Tasmania's Economic Growth Surpasses National Forecast - Mirage News
Tasmania's Economic Growth Surpasses National Forecast  Mirage News

It can be hard for people with disability to enter the workforce, but more businesses are becoming inclusive - ABC News
It can be hard for people with disability to enter the workforce, but more businesses are becoming inclusive  ABC News

Tasmania's Hydrogen Industry Receives $70M Boost - Mirage News
Tasmania's Hydrogen Industry Receives $70M Boost  Mirage News

COMMENT: Renewable revolution offers growth, jobs for Tasmania - The Advocate
COMMENT: Renewable revolution offers growth, jobs for Tasmania  The Advocate

Liberals Still in Denial on Jobs - Tasmanian Greens MPs
Liberals Still in Denial on Jobs  Tasmanian Greens MPs

Dean Winter poised for Labor leadership to replace Rebecca White - The Mercury
Dean Winter poised for Labor leadership to replace Rebecca White  The Mercury

Tasmanian Election 2024: Liberals vow to tear up Hydro’s Ministerial Charter - The Mercury
Tasmanian Election 2024: Liberals vow to tear up Hydro’s Ministerial Charter  The Mercury

Hanwha defence contract to deliver TAS jobs boom - Manufactures Monthly
Hanwha defence contract to deliver TAS jobs boom  Manufactures Monthly

Bega Group's Betta Milk Factory Closure Sparks Union Efforts to Salvage Jobs in North West Tasmania - Dairy News
Bega Group's Betta Milk Factory Closure Sparks Union Efforts to Salvage Jobs in North West Tasmania  Dairy News

Research Associate in Ocean Modelling job with UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA | 371460 - Times Higher Education
Research Associate in Ocean Modelling job with UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA | 371460  Times Higher Education

Tasmania's economy faces recession as growth declines: Report - Pulse Tasmania
Tasmania's economy faces recession as growth declines: Report  Pulse Tasmania

Richmond CEO Brendon Gale's responds to Devils' top job links - The Advocate
Richmond CEO Brendon Gale's responds to Devils' top job links  The Advocate

$1.26M boost to Tasmania's plastic recycling capacity - Waste Management Review
$1.26M boost to Tasmania's plastic recycling capacity  Waste Management Review

Maugean skate: ‘Compensation offer’ for West Coast salmon jobs - The Mercury
Maugean skate: ‘Compensation offer’ for West Coast salmon jobs  The Mercury

West Coast Council: Green groups ‘trivialising’ salmon farming in region - The Mercury
West Coast Council: Green groups ‘trivialising’ salmon farming in region  The Mercury

Tasmanian wine sector supports economic growth - The Shout
Tasmanian wine sector supports economic growth  The Shout

On Tasmania’s East Coast, a new industry is being built from scratch - The Mercury
On Tasmania’s East Coast, a new industry is being built from scratch  The Mercury

Research Associate in Physical Pyrogeography job with UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA | 367039 - Times Higher Education
Research Associate in Physical Pyrogeography job with UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA | 367039  Times Higher Education

Tasmanian salmon paid $51m company tax on $7bn earnings - The Mercury
Tasmanian salmon paid $51m company tax on $7bn earnings  The Mercury

Mt Lyell copper mine eyes revival after a ten-year hiatus - Pulse Tasmania
Mt Lyell copper mine eyes revival after a ten-year hiatus  Pulse Tasmania

Search begins for jobs for redundant Betta Milk workers - Sea FM Devonport
Search begins for jobs for redundant Betta Milk workers  Sea FM Devonport

Tasmanian teacher shortage: Employment and bonus cash payments - The Examiner
Tasmanian teacher shortage: Employment and bonus cash payments  The Examiner

UK nurse Emma Nugent on life in Tasmania, job at Royal Hobart Hospital - The Mercury
UK nurse Emma Nugent on life in Tasmania, job at Royal Hobart Hospital  The Mercury

Incat jobs: 200 new roles as company enters ‘growth mode’ - The Mercury
Incat jobs: 200 new roles as company enters ‘growth mode’  The Mercury

Despite decades of experience, older job seekers struggle to get a foot in the door - ABC News
Despite decades of experience, older job seekers struggle to get a foot in the door  ABC News

Former Braddon MP Brett Whiteley has been given a job in the Premier’s office - The Mercury
Former Braddon MP Brett Whiteley has been given a job in the Premier’s office  The Mercury

ALT Calls out Tasracing’s ‘False Statistics’ - Tasmanian Times
ALT Calls out Tasracing’s ‘False Statistics’  Tasmanian Times

On Victorian Loggers Coming to Tasmania … - Tasmanian Times
On Victorian Loggers Coming to Tasmania …  Tasmanian Times

Tasmania's AFL team, stadium dream jumps big hurdle - MSN
Tasmania's AFL team, stadium dream jumps big hurdle  MSN

New Northern Tasmania prison plans face community concerns - The Examiner
New Northern Tasmania prison plans face community concerns  The Examiner

Conservative think tank says stop locking up nonviolent Tas criminals - The Mercury
Conservative think tank says stop locking up nonviolent Tas criminals  The Mercury

Explainer: Why Tasmania has a Workforce Supply Issue, not a Workforce Demand Issue - Tasmanian Times
Explainer: Why Tasmania has a Workforce Supply Issue, not a Workforce Demand Issue  Tasmanian Times

Hobart winter rental vacancies on the rise - -
Hobart winter rental vacancies on the rise -

Tasmanian Quality Meats threatened with export licence ban after footage released by Farm Transparency Project - The Mercury
Tasmanian Quality Meats threatened with export licence ban after footage released by Farm Transparency Project  The Mercury

Why is Tasmania Australia's poorest state: Economist Saul Eslake - The Advocate
Why is Tasmania Australia's poorest state: Economist Saul Eslake  The Advocate

Tasmanian fruit pickers rescued from Samoa, Vanuatu and PNG alleged "modern slavery" - Islands Business
Tasmanian fruit pickers rescued from Samoa, Vanuatu and PNG alleged "modern slavery"  Islands Business

Inaugural chairman of Tasmania's new AFL team revealed - Pulse Tasmania
Inaugural chairman of Tasmania's new AFL team revealed  Pulse Tasmania

Salmon Tasmania: Economic and Social Contribution report 2023 highlights - The Mercury
Salmon Tasmania: Economic and Social Contribution report 2023 highlights  The Mercury

Midwife swaps scrubs for gloves to pursue sheep pregnancy testing hobby in Tasmania - ABC News
Midwife swaps scrubs for gloves to pursue sheep pregnancy testing hobby in Tasmania  ABC News

Tips for Finding a Job in Tasmania - Insider Guides
Tips for Finding a Job in Tasmania  Insider Guides

Launceston General Hospital: 23 FTE jobs to be culled, says union - The Mercury
Launceston General Hospital: 23 FTE jobs to be culled, says union  The Mercury

Tourism Fast Facts - Tourism Tasmania
Tourism Fast Facts  Tourism Tasmania

Young people in Tasmania are struggling more than ever to find work - SBS News
Young people in Tasmania are struggling more than ever to find work  SBS News

Careers with Australian Red Cross | Australian Red Cross - Australian Red Cross
Careers with Australian Red Cross | Australian Red Cross  Australian Red Cross

Job creation isn't always a good thing. Hobart's new stadium can only make Tasmania's housing crisis worse - The Conversation
Job creation isn't always a good thing. Hobart's new stadium can only make Tasmania's housing crisis worse  The Conversation

Tas High Employment Rate Leading To Unfilled Jobs - Pulse Tasmania
Tas High Employment Rate Leading To Unfilled Jobs  Pulse Tasmania

Hydro Tasmania announces restructure of its operations, estimated 50 jobs to go - ABC News
Hydro Tasmania announces restructure of its operations, estimated 50 jobs to go  ABC News